USA: Pennsylvania - Funnel Cakes


Pennsylvanian Dutch immigrants are said to have brought funnel cakes to America as early as 1879. The name comes from the batter being poured into the oil from a funnel. Funnel cakes are popular all over America at fairs, carnivals and theme parks.


1 egg

1 cup milk

1 cup flour

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

icing sugar, to serve

Make sure you have a funnel with a fairly wide spout!

Separate the egg and place the yolk in a bowl with the milk.

Whisk them together well and then sift in the flour, baking powder and salt.

Whisk again to mix.

Whisk the egg white separately until it forms stiff peaks. Fold this into the batter gently.

Heat an inch or so of oil in a frying pan. At this crucial moment I realised that my batter was too thick to properly flow through the funnel I had. Instead I had to kind of dribble the batter into the oil from a spoon. It didn't turn out great looking!

Fry for a few minutes on each side until golden brown and then serve with some icing sugar dusted on top. Eat while still warm.

Not the prettiest looking funnel cakes I've seen but they tasted great. Crispy edges and a softer middle, they have a kind of melt in your mouth texture even when very crunchy. The icing sugar brings a little sweetness to them but it's the warm, comforting bite that's the best part. We thought we were enjoying them but look at this guy:

Funnel cakes enjoyed by all, even the funnel cake itself 😀
