Cuba - Pastelitos de Guayaba

Pastelitos de Guayaba are square little pastries filled with guava paste and cream cheese. We've never tried guava before so we're all curious how it'll taste. I bought the guava paste from Amazon and it came with  tiny little packet of guava sweets. So cute!


Guava paste
Puff pastry
Cream cheese

Such a simple list of ingredients, I love it!

Spread out your puff pastry. Slice the guava paste into 1/2cm slices and place them on half of the pastry.

Next, spread some cream cheese on each section of guava paste.

Fold over the pastry and press down the edges with your fingers.

 Cut into individual squares and place on a lined oven tray.

Bake for 25-30 minutes at 204 C.


These pastries were delicious. The solid guava paste had melted into a beautiful, red, oozing jam that went perfectly with the cream cheese. Each bite was sweet and crumbly. Leigh loved them too. JD and Erin weren't so sure. I wish I'd made more of them. There is some guava paste left actually...
