The Bahamas - Crab 'N' Rice

Lots of delicious looking foods to pick from here but I went with this crab recipe because I've never tried crab. Or pigeon peas for that matter. :)

  • 1 onion
  • 1 red pepper
  • tablespoons tomato paste
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup rice
  • 1 cup pigeon peas
  • 1 crab

 Chop up the onion and pepper.

 Saute it in some oil for a few minutes until softened.

 Add the tomato paste, spices, salt and pepper.

 Add the (already cooked - took us two tries as we burnt the first lot, oops :() pigeon peas and the water.

 Add the crab.

 Cook for a few minutes stirring well then add the rice. Simmer until the rice is cooked and most of the liquid is absorbed (about 20 minutes).

We weren't keen on this dish. It was quite bland and disappointing. The textures were all quite nice but it really lacked flavour. JD added some hot sauce and had several helpings of it. I just don't like crab I think, I tried a bit before adding it and I didn't like the taste of it. The pigeon peas didn't seem to taste of much either. It looked great during cooking so it's a shame it didn't turn out well. Sorry Bahamas :)

Coming up next week - Trinxat from Andorra
