Italian Cities: Padua - Piadina


These thin flatbreads are usually eaten freshly made in cafes and stalls around Padua and can be filled with a variety of cheeses, cold meats and salad items. Perfect for a nice lunch for two!

Makes 4 piadina


250g flour

100g water

50g olive oil

7g salt


I'm using these but make your own choices based on taste.




Pork loin slices


Grated cheddar

Mix the flour and salt in a mixing bowl.

Add the oil and water.

Mix to form a dough.

Knead the dough for 10 minutes until it becomes smooth.

Split the dough into 4 pieces and roll into balls. Cover and leave for 30 minutes to rest.

Heat some olive oil in a frying pan. 

Roll out each dough ball into a rough circle about the size of your frying pan.

Fry on each side for a minute or two until the dough is light brown coloured in patches. 

Immediately fill with your selected fillings and eat.

The piadinas were different than I'd imagined. The bread was lighter and flakier, which because it was still warm was a lovely mouthful along with the fillings. I'd rethink using mozzarella again as it was a bit bland and wet. The pork, cheddar and mustard piadina was my favourite. The warmth of the just fried bread melted the cheese and it was a great lunch, quite filling.
