USA: Iowa - Corn Dogs

German Texans were credited with inventing Corn Dogs in the 1920s and they're a popular food all over the US. We've made them before with varying success but I'm having another go today!


8 hot dogs
1/2 cup flour
1 1/2 cups cornmeal
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons oil
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
oil for frying
wooden skewers

Place the hot dogs on the skewers.

Give them a dusting with flour to help the batter stick.

Compile the dry ingredients in a jug.

Add in the oil, eggs and buttermilk then whisk well until mixed.

This is where the first mistake became apparent. Don't use really huge long hot dogs! This jug is the deepest container I own and it wasn't deep enough. Also, I had a hard time getting the batter to stick properly for some reason. I had to just go ahead and do the best I could (not very good :D).

Here comes my second mistake! Using really long skewers when I have to fry my corn dogs in a frying pan. It all looks so much easier on Deep Fried Masters when they have huge deep fat fryers.

I really like corn dogs. I tried them first on a visit to Tennessee with JD years ago and they're very different to what I made today. I liked how crispy the cornmeal coating was on mine. It had a really nice flavour so I made some little fried cornbread muffins with the leftover batter. They taste great dipped in tomato ketchup. If you make them, remember not to be too ambitious with your hot dog size and to get small skewers if you want to fry them in a frying pan. Other than that, good luck!

A couple of days later I remade the corn dogs with small hot dogs and used much smaller sticks. The result was much better! Lucky for you I made all the mistakes so you don't have to! :)
