Russia - Turkey Kotleti

Join me in my endless hope that my children will enjoy a slightly different food. This episode has them trying Turkey Kotleti.


500g minced turkey
1 cup panko breadcrumbs
1/2 cup milk
2 tablespoons sour cream
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 egg
2-3 tablespoons of flour for coating

Place the panko breadcrumbs in a bowl and pour over the milk. Leave to soak for a few minutes.

 Now add all the other ingredients (not the flour, you maniac that's for coating the kotleti) and mix well.

 Form into patties and coat in the flour.

Heat 2-3 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan and cook the patties using the lid for the last few minutes to help cook the middle.


Serve with the remaining sour cream.

These were surprisingly nice! I liked the texture of the patties, kind of like burgers but also not, they were much softer and more bready. They were easy to make and they were a success with Val, but not Erin. You can't win them all, I guess! One out of two ain't bad :D
