Russia - Syrniki

In October 2013 I made Beef Stroganoff and I didn't like it. Here's hoping for better luck this time round.

These cottage cheese pancakes are a popular breakfast food in Russia. Seems an interesting take on our usual pancakes but I'm open to change so let's give them a try!


400g cottage cheese (or farmers cheese if you can get it)
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
2 egg yolks
3 tablespoons sugar
5 tablespoons flour
pinch of salt

Farmers cheese seems to be very similar to cottage cheese but has less liquid so try to drain your cottage cheese as much as possible. Place all the ingredients in a bowl.

Give it a good stir so everything is well combined. I added a little more flour as my mixture was quite loose.

Drop spoonfuls into a pan with a bit of oil. I made three pancakes and a tiny taster one for the cook (me!).

Cook for a few minutes on each side until the pancakes are golden brown in colour.  The taster has vanished!

Serve with your choice of jam, I had mine with blueberry preserve as that's a popular choice in Russia.

Of course, they're delicious! Different from my usual pancake but it's hard to say how. Maybe slightly thicker with the cottage cheese pieces throughout, slightly salty but still with that pancake taste I love. They went really well with the slightly melting blueberry preserve. I wish I'd made more!
