Portugal - Arroz Doce

I used to love rice pudding at school as it always came with a spoonful of jam. I'm looking forward to trying this lemony version topped with cinnamon.


1 cup rice
2 cups hot milk
1 cup sugar
2 egg yolks
1 lemon rind
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch salt

Put the rice and salt in a pan with 2 cups of water and simmer until starting to become soft.

Add the hot milk, egg yolks, vanilla, sugar, lemon rind and butter. Stir well and leave to simmer with a lid on for 10-15 minutes until it has an oatmeal consistency.

Place in a bowl and garnish with cinnamon if you like.

I really enjoyed this although the rest of my family were less keen. It had a lovely creamy texture and a subtle lemony flavour. Very nice and warming for this time of year!
